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Bench press exercise for triceps using dumbbells

Triceps Bench Press :

Bench press exercise for tricep using dumbbells1
➊ Lie on your back on a bench and hold the dumbbells on your sides simply higher than your chest, palms facing one another.

➋ Push the dumbbells straight up till your arms area unit near being totally extended and slowly lower them back when a brief pause.

➌ Expire once pushing the dumbbells up and expire once lowering them go into reverse.

Bench press exercise for tricep using dumbbells2

Bench press exercise for triceps using dumbbells

Triceps Bench Press :

Bench press exercise for tricep using dumbbells1
➊ Lie on your back on a bench and hold the dumbbells on your sides simply higher than your chest, palms facing one another.

➋ Push the dumbbells straight up till your arms area unit near being totally extended and slowly lower them back when a brief pause.

➌ Expire once pushing the dumbbells up and expire once lowering them go into reverse.

Bench press exercise for tricep using dumbbells2

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